The HSE’s National Screening Service has an active and committed Patient and Public Partnership (PPP) network. PPP volunteers help to develop and evaluate the NSS’s four screening programmes, BowelScreen, BreastCheck, CervicalCheck and Diabetic RetinaScreen, which screens for eye disease linked to diabetes.
The NSS is currently recruiting new members to its PPP network – this opportunity is for anyone who is interested in sharing their opinions, ideas and life experiences. Members can choose how much time they give. They will receive training and learning opportunities and join meetings either online or in person. The only requirements to apply are that you are over 18 years old and live in Ireland.
Being a member involves taking part in projects and committees that interest you, for example to improve NSS information materials. Through these projects you can help the NSS to deliver leading, quality-assured screening programmes.
If you are interested in improving screening services for everyone, want equal access to screening for all and are open to sharing your opinions, the PPP could be for you.
For more details visit
To get involved and have your say contact [email protected], the NSS team will support you with any access needs.