The annual ICPN symposium on cancer prevention research and initiatives in Ireland was held on October 9th, 2024. The presentations were recorded on the day and can be watched by clicking the links below
- Highlights of the day
- Deep Dive into cancer risk reduction research in Ireland – Alcohol, Dr Cliodhna Ni Bhuachalla
- Deep Dive into cancer risk reduction research in Ireland – Obesity, Dr Aoife O Connell
- Cancer prevention awareness: Traveller Community, Dr Patricia Fox UCD, Helen Collins, Nancy Collins and Mary Collins, Pavee Point
- Cancer prevention initiatives with the Traveller Community, Bernadette Carter, Marie Keating Foundation
- Cancer prevention initiatives with the Traveller Community, Kathryn Meade, National Screening Service, Helen Collins, Nancy Collins and Mary Collins, Pavee Point
- Lung cancer screening pilot, Prof Patrick Redmond, RCSI
- Lung cancer: early diagnosis regional pilot campaign, Dr Una Kennedy, NCCP
For World Cancer Day 2024, the Irish Cancer Prevention Network held a public webinar on how to reduce risk of and recognise the symptoms of, lung and bowel cancer. You can watch the recording of the webinar, or the individual talks using the links below:
- Recording of the full webinar:
- Reduce your risk of lung cancer, Dr Una Kennedy:
- Reduce your risk of bowel cancer, Dr Caitriona Kelly:
- Reduce your risk of bowel cancer: early signs and bowel screening, Prof Padraic Mac Mathuna
On the 20th November the Senior Health Promotion and Improvement Officers held a webinar ‘Integrating cancer prevention and early diagnosis into health promotion’. Watch back the whole webinar or individual talks below
- Integrating cancer prevention and early diagnosis into health promotion webinar 20th Nov 2024
- Integrating cancer prevention & early diagnosis into health promotion of Tobacco, Ann-Marie Lawlor
- Integrating cancer prevention and early diagnosis into health promotion of Training, Shirley O’Shea
- Integrating cancer prevention&early diagnosis into health promotion of area of Health Inequalities, Caroline Murray
- Integrating cancer prevention& early diagnosis into health promotion: Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer, Lisa O Donnell
- Integrating cancer prevention& early diagnosis into health promotion of Staff Health and Wellbeing, Shirley O Shea
- Integrating cancer prevention and early diagnosis into health promotion areas of Stakeholder Engagement, Bernadette Mullins